11400 Rockville Pike, Suite 220
Rockville, MD 20852


History of the Council

The Council on Podiatric Medical Education (CPME) was established in 1918 when a standing committee of the National Association of Chiropodists was created for the purpose of formulating educational standards. Then known as the Council on Education, the Council conducted its first evaluation/accreditation activities in 1922. The Council has evolved over the years to a position exemplifying leadership as the nationally recognized accrediting agency for the podiatric medical profession.

Important Dates in the History of the Council

2020: CPME establishes guidelines for the conduct of virtual on-site evaluations for colleges, residencies, and fellowships

2018: Council on Podiatric Medical Education, previously the Council on Education, celebrates its 100th anniversary

2011: CPME implements requirements for a single three-year residency

2006: Collaborative Residency Evaluator Committee established

2000: Initiation of an evaluation and approval process for fellowship programs

1995: Joint Committee on the Recognition of Specialty Boards established

1989: Joint Residency Review Committee established

1985: First expansion of accreditation granted to a college of podiatric medicine for the oversight of preceptorship programs

1983: Residency Review Committees for surgery and podiatric orthopedics established

1977: Initiation of an evaluation and approval process for continuing education programs

1975: Council granted recognition to the first active board to certify in a special area of podiatric medical practice

1975: Council granted initial recognition from the Council on Postsecondary Accreditation

1974–75: First evaluation and accreditation granted to an institution sponsoring a program in podiatric medical assisting

1969: Council granted initial recognition from the National Commission on Accrediting

1964–65: First on-site evaluation and approval process conducted for postdoctoral training programs (residencies and internships)

1952: Council granted initial recognition from the US Commissioner on Education

1922: First college accreditation activities conducted

1918: Council on Podiatric Medical Education (Council on Education) established