November 8, 2024
OFFICIAL NOTICE – CALL FOR COMMENT due by January 15, 2025
CPME Publications 120 and 130 (Accreditation Committee)
The Council on Podiatric Medical Education (CPME or Council) seeks your input as they undertake the rewrite of publications CPME 120, Standards and Requirements for Accrediting Colleges of Podiatric Medicine and CPME 130, Procedures for Accrediting Colleges of Podiatric Medicine.
Per the CPME Bylaws, the review of these documents will be led by an Ad Hoc Advisory Committee comprised of members representing organizations within the community of interest, and will begin in 2025. As part of the document review process, CPME surveys the community of interest to obtain the opinions of the podiatric community of interest regarding crucial elements of these college documents. The survey is designed to provide baseline information for consideration by the committee.
We request your assistance in completing this survey and forwarding notice and the survey link to interested parties for as broad a distribution as possible.
Please complete this survey by January 15, 2025.